Today regular history classes took their quiz over the Bill of Rights. Afterwards, students worked on the 7 Principles of the U.S. Constitution part 1 worksheet, if you need another copy of the worksheet follow this link and click on the agenda for today's date: http://tw.neisd.net/webpages/cxande/calendar.cfm.
Pre-AP classes began writing a story in which they are the main character and their first 10 amendments have been violated. Students this assignment is for homework and is due first thing tomorrow in class. Refer to your notes or pages 250-252 in your textbook. Classes also started the 7 Principles of the U.S. Constitution part 1 worksheet, if you need another copy of the worksheet follow this link and click on the agenda for today's date: http://tw.neisd.net/webpages/cxande/calendar.cfm.
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