Attention Pre-AP classes your Branches of Government project is now due on Monday February 1, 2010. Follow this link and you can download the Farcebook template for those who would like to use it for their project. Remember you still have to cover the major events, the numbers that you circled on your research questions. Also, if you follow the link, it will give you the rubric that I'm using for the project. When you see the calendar, make sure to click on today's date (January 26, 2010) and the files will be there so that you can download them.
Teacher Web page link:
Regular Classes:
We just finished the "Washington faces some new but familiar problems" notes which will lead us into Washington's retirement, the formation of the political parties in the U.S., & our rocky relationship with the French. You should have received the new notes in class today titled "Retirement, Arguments, & Escargot" and if you didn't finish them in class, they are to be finished for homework. Be ready tomorrow for a wonderful surprise.
You know Mr.Xanders, it's not really a SUPRISE if you hint at it all day! It's not a POP-QUIZ if you tell us about it!
p.s fca was AMAZING today; I had fun.