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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Pop Quiz & Rules on Campus

For those who weren't in class, you missed out on a surprise today. And if you ask the rest of your classmates, I'm sure they would tell you that they really enjoyed it. Also, Dr. Newman came in to class and talked about disrespect, PDA (public display of affection), bullying, & overall effort in class. Tomorrow, students will investigate an important historical scene.

Christmas fact of the day:
We have taken many customs from different places around the world and mixed them together to form our modern celebration of Christmas. For example, we have taken the Christmas tree from Germany and gift giving from the Dutch tradition of leaving out wooden shoes for them to be filled with goodies from St. Nicholas.



  1. Okay, well, heres my RANDOM christmas fact: Christmas is spelled with "CHRIS" at the beginning and thats YOUR name (: yup, true story! Umm, the the dutch produced the wooden shoes, but the SPANISH came up with the tradition of leaving them out to be filled with goodies! (thank you very much!) ;D -Taylor(:

  2. ok i got a really AWESOME joke for ya.... what did Adam say the day before christmas... "ITS CHRISTMAS EVE!"

    ba-dum-ching! :]
